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Vegan Recipe – Baked Butternut Squash and Onion

Butternut Squash and Onion Recipe Image

Butternut squash. I was terrified of it for years. I mean c’mon – the shape of it alone is weird and it has GUTS. And yet as vegetables go it is one of the easiest darned things to grow in the garden, particularly if you like to cook organic. When Massel asked me to sample their bouillon and concentrated liquid stock products, I decided to get over my fear and whip up some grown-up vegetables for a Thanksgiving side dish. Massel’s bouillon and concentrated liquid stock broth are all vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, and cholesterol-free broth products. They are easy to make and really add great flavor to a vegan recipe without having to add fatty oils.

Butternut Squash and Onion Recipe Ingredients


Butternut Squash Recipe Chopping

Ingredients –

Directions –

  1. Place all the ingredients in a baking pan.
  2. Bake at 350 uncovered for an hour or until baked through and soft.
  3. Serve as a side dish as-is or mash the vegetable mixture and serve mashed.

This is one fantastic side dish recipe for any of the upcoming holidays this season and it is FAT-FREE. You can’t beat that. If you want to add some protein to this vegan recipe, add about a cup of chopped pecans.

Butternut Squash and Onion Recipe Baked

Very special thanks to The Planter’s Palette – one of my absolute favorite local independent garden centers that is located in Winfield, Illinois (and is very close to my home). Their super team allowed me to prepare this delicious vegan recipe at the nursery surrounded by gorgeous blooming flowers. They sell fresh butternut squash in the fall and also have butternut squash seeds in the spring for you to purchase so you can grow your own. By shopping at your local independent garden center you are supporting a small business and local economy – shop local!!

Butternut Squash and Onion RecipeTasting
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