Indigo Rose Purple Grafted Tomato

Imagine growing common vegetables at reasonable prices that have super antioxidant value and a higher level of health value? This season I am growing the deep purple Indigo Rose Grafted Tomato from Jung Seed as a test experiment in my front lawn tomato garden to see how it works (so far pretty great as you can see in the photos). To celebrate summer goodness with me and all my peeps, Jung Seed will be giving away a $75 gift card on this blog post (see rules below).
About the Jung Tomatoes, I’m Growing
Indigo Rose purple grafted tomato is GMO-free and one of the first tomatoes with a high anthocyanin (a naturally occurring pigment that has been shown to fight disease in humans). Many have labeled it as “the healthiest tomato in the world”. Tomatoes grow to 2″ round and deep indigo color. The purple coloring occurs on the portion of the fruit that is exposed to light, while the shaded portion starts out green and turns deep red when mature. Inside, the flesh is red. Grafted tomatoes have the added bonus of yielding heavier quantities of tomatoes as well, so I have high hopes of having a giant basket of tomatoes from the tomato garden (below) in just a few weeks.
It is easy to enter to win the 75 smackaroos. In the comment section below tell me your favorite type of tomato to grow and why you love it so much.
I will randomly select one comment to win the contest on July 17, 2014, and will have the Jung Seed peeps send out the gift card to the winner. Special Note* — contest only open for people who are within the contiguous United States for shipping purposes. Jung Seed has many different varieties of tomatoes, not just the Indigo Rose Purple Grafted Tomato – so go out and see what they have as it’s the perfect time to start planning fall planting in the garden.
Christina Kamp! She suggests that the Cherokee purple tomato helps her students learn about Native American history as well as grow. Congratulations Christina!!!
We’re growing Indigo Rose at our student organic farm this year too! Everyone keeps commenting on how amazing the fruit is. My favorite, however, is the Striped Roman. It’s the best sauce tomato our farm grows and I prefer to cook my tomatoes than eat them raw, so sauce tomatoes are at the top of my list.
I love growing Amish paste tomatoes because I don’t like to eat tomatoes but love ketchup and sauces. 🙂
My usual favorite is the Cherokee Purple, but this year I tried a whole selection of different varieties and have come up with a new favorite: Eva Purple Ball. It is not only a good looking tomato with a perfectly ball-shaped figure and bright pinkish-purple skin, but it is also delicious. The Eva is great fresh-sliced with a little s&p, chopped in salads of all sorts, and even simmered into homemade sauce. The plant itself has stayed healthy so far in our hot, humid, Tallahassee summer, which is an added bonus. I will definitely be adding this one to my yearly planting list.
mY favorite tomato this year were the Golden Jubilee tomatoes, a variety from the 1940’s that were so sweet. Ripening early they are great for roasting and I love using them in salads with red cherry tomatoes. Red and yellow tomatoes and green and purple lettuce! Rainbow salads!
These look so amazing! Indigo rose is definitely a tomato I want on my plate!
My favorite is the Cherokee Purple. Love the luscious dark red flesh with hints of dark green. It puts the T in my BLT!
Marvel stripe is a beautiful and good beefsteak.
I love Old German. It’s big and luscious.
I’m growing the indigo rose hybrids this year for the first time I have 3 plants, but I have to say my favorite is the purple prince.
I have tried a wide range of cherry tomatoes for this year’s deep dug garden and they are all doing extremely well. The plants are now over ten feet tall and fountaining over a huge archway made from cattle panels.They are all bearing extremely well in our Texas heat; the tastiest, though is the Blueberries tomato, which turns a deep purple before further ripening, some to a lovely bright yellow, some to red, and some to pink. All taste slightly different from each other and all are sweet and delicious.
How could I pick a single favorite tomato variety? I usually grow about 10 different varieties of tomatoes each year. Amish paste is always a good performer (and so great for sauce), but Brandywine is also a favorite for size and taste and varieties like Costoluto Genovese for it’s interesting shape. Never tried Indigo Rose…. maybe next year. Look forward to reading about your results.
I’m growing mostly celebrity and juliettes this year but mostly because of the high summer temps here in texas and the accompanying difficulties in getting tomatoes to set fruit. I still like to try a few heirlooms for fun varieties. I live trying new seeds of lots of veggies though and am sure i could wipe out a jung $75 gift certificate in a flash!
My favorite tomato to grow is the Plum Roma tomato. I make my own homemade spaghetti sauce in the fall – usually about 20 quarts. I grow my own herbs to season it with and I find that the plum tomatoes have the most meat and the least amount of juice, giving me a thick, rich sauce!
I grow heirlooms, and my favorite is Cherokee~! Fresh for salads, wraps, and I add it in near everything~
Any tomato I could grow would be my favorite. I make great tomato plants, but as I’ve not found the leaves edible it’s hardly been worth the effort to put tomato plants in my garden. That being said I’m truly intrigued by this indigo rose purple tomato. Maybe it will be the one!
Read an article in this seed catalog about healthiest tomatoes based on different contents of the tomato, lycopene, etc:
It had the Indigo Rose as one of the healthiest tomatoes you can grow. I didn’t get a chance to plant the seeds for this one this year, but will give it a try next. Let me know how it tastes, I’ve read that it isn’t that tasty compared to other tomatoes.
We love our Romas & grape tomatoes!
I tried one grafted tomato from another company with no luck it got blight…but I never say never and am willing to try others…especially a purple tomato…keeping my fingers crossed to win but I will check out Jung grafted for next year.
My favorite tomato to grow is the Cherokee purple. Many of my daycare kids are Cherokee so we try to learn about Cherokee traditions and things, but also it’s tastes AMAZING! It’s the most delicious tomato I’ve ever tasted. We grow them with basil and it makes the flavor even more amazing! 🙂
Roma’s are my favorite! I love their flavor in Italian dishes!
I’ve never met a tomato I didn’t like, lol!
We just had our first cherry tomatos out of the garden. Delicious but the purple are truly lovely to look at and with bonus health benefits…wunderbar!
This year I am LOVING the OSU BLUE, a distant cousin of your Indigo Rose! It’s a morning ritual…checking them out to see the line of blue creeping across the face of the fruit like dusk on the horizon. My favorite part? They will make great curiosity gifts for my friends and family. Imagine them saying, “What the heck is that?” and when they taste the delicious blueness…their eyes will tell the story.
I like to grow currant tomatoes because they’re just so cute. My dogs and chickens eat them right off the vines.
Well this year I’d have to say beefsteak bc I started them from seed and I’m very proud that they’ve grown into producing plants. yay!
I love cherry tomatoes. Because It brings beautifull memories about me an my grandmo, taking care of the plant. I had a special red watering pot only for the cherry tomatoes. And when they were ready I would it some from the vine!
Always got to share some with my puppies because they love ’em too!
It was the first fruit I’ve ever planted. And I love how now the kidz thinks the little tomatoes are super cute!
This is a tough one, because I love many but I guess my favorite is ‘Jaune Flamme.” They are prolific, sweet with some tartness, and nicely textured. I also love ‘Mortgage lifter’ — another prolific heirloom.
The brandywine tomatoes are by far my favorite! They have a nice sweet and juicy taste to them. The skin is nice and thin as well. We have been growing them for the last 3 years. My grandpa starts them from seed and then lets me help him plant them between his and my gardens. Then I get to help harvest them and we can what we can’t eat.
My favorites are the cherry tomatoes, sad thing is that I tend to eat them faster then I can get them into a salad for dinner. They really are a great snack.
Growing 11 varieties this year and so far of the three that have provided ripe.fruit, the Maglia Rosa is the winner of the taste test.
The idea of a blue tomato intrigues me, but I guess what I really care about is the taste. If it’s good, I’m all over it! 🙂
I live in the Pacific Northwest and for me is the Early Girl, it produces great and vine ripens before or cool and rainy early fall.
Hi Shawna – Finally got around to this post, we are testing these as well in our gardens this year…hadn’t seen anybody else mention them yet. They are finally starting to ripen – did you taste yours yet? We’re also growing Black Krim, Zebra Green, Pineapple and Big Rainbow as well as Sungold Cherry tomatoes.
By the way, we are hosting #gardenchat on twitter this coming Monday, July 21 evening 9pm EST covering sustainable organic gardening and to also celebrate the launch of our new fun & easy-to-plant organic BloomPucks (we have five lines – “Wingzy”, “Bumblez”, “Bedazzle”, “Sunblaze” and “Sproutz” which contain flower seeds / herb seeds as well as vermicompost that we made from recycling food scraps as well as minerals). They contain everything you need – no extra material or equipment needed 🙂 They make great gifts as well as a fun gardening activity for all ages…Come check it out on our website, would love to get your thoughts! 🙂
My favorite tomato is the one that is ripe on the vine today. Growing tomatoes in Western Washington is a challenge because it stays cool most of the summer. My first to ripen this year was Stupice, a small salad tomato. Then came Sweet Million, but only a hand full have ripened so far. Still waiting for Amish Paste and Oroma and Brandywine. They are green as grass.