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Blogger Awards 2016 Better Homes and Gardens

Vote For Shawna Coronado
Shawna Coronado Blog 2016

Once in a while you are chugging along in life and something surprising and unexpected happens, like this week I was nominated by the team at Better Homes and Gardens magazine as one of the top 10 garden bloggers. That’s surprising to me, mostly because there are so many brilliant garden bloggers out in the world. Also, however, because when I first started this blog hoping to make a difference for the world by teaching about wellness, gardening, and organic living I never dreamed that I would actually inspire change. My thought at the time was if I can teach one person to make a difference, then all the hard work is worth it. More important than any blog contest is the thought that maybe, just maybe, we can all work together to do good in the world. Ultimately that’s what it’s all about right? The community. The making a difference. The love.

If you are interested in voting for my blog in this contest, I would be appreciative. How you do it is GO TO THIS LINK then vote in the “Gardening” category. How they have it set up is they put all the categories for voting on the same link (decorating, food, etc.), so you have to select “skip this category” until you find the gardening category. It looks like the image at top. Just select “Shawna Coronado” if you’d like to vote for me. You can vote once per day, but only one vote per category is allowed per day. Thanks very much for your vote!

Vote For My Friends Too – They’re Remarkable!

I share the BHG honor with garden bloggers who are, in my opinion, astoundingly brilliant bloggers that teach and educate garden readers about healthy growing in a way that’s memorable and good. All the garden writers nominated for the BHG blogger awards are outstanding and many are my good friends. Please consider linking through to all their super cool blog pages and voting for them as well – if you click on the name below their photo you can become linked to their website. All these garden bloggers are wonderful and I am honored to be among them. Happy voting!!

blogger awards 2016

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