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Fish in the Garden Sculpture Makes a Big Splash

Fish in the garden sculptures with colocasia

Someone needs to sit me down and have a trout intervention because I have a total addiction for the Fish in the Garden sculpture art. Who knew that fish could be so darned fun in the garden? You first saw my passion for fish jump to the forefront when I let my no-mow grass go without a haircut to look wavy-like-a-lake so that the fish could swim across (below). Fish swimming in my little grassy lake, get it? ::nudge:nudge::

No Mow Grass with FishintheGarden copyright Shawna Coronado

Then this season I had a bare patch in the garden and YOU ALL KNOW THAT I CANNOT HAVE ONE SQUARE INCH EMPTY. My gawd, what would my garden come to if there was bare nakedness just revealing itself through the mulch. The world would screech to a horrifying halt, right?

Which means, of course, that the bare patch (see below) had to be filled with my latest Fish in the Garden obsession: FISHIES. Yes. Little fishies. They are about half the size of the large fish sculptures and are simply adorable. I love the Fishies in Salsa Red as they really add a big BOOM of impactful color in a small garden space. Here they are swimming through a raised bed in my back garden filled with an enticing mix of plants – I planted some new plants alongside my new fishies. Ferns combined with tropicals combined with zinnia drift about in the wind. The combination reminds me a bit of how it might look if you were swimming through seaweed in the ocean and fits the fish art theme well.

New Plants in this Garden – 

Fish in the garden sculpture before photo

Special thanks to the Fish in the Garden designer, Tyson Weiss, who’s a full-on garden art genius and fisherman extraordinaire. Also thanks to Clause Home Garden and Walters Gardens for providing the magnificent plants!

Fish in the garden sculptures vertical photo

Fish in the garden sculptures and Flowers

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