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Eco-Glasses Review – Who Knew?

Eco Glasses Bright Colors

My eyeballs are not the same. When the doc told me that all people “hit a certain age” and have to have glasses I balked, I wailed, I whined. But here we are. I need glasses to read everything from the menu to the computer to my cell phone.  First time around I spent a fortune on reading glasses so I could look cool. I lost them in the garden. Twice. Finally I gave up and started buying the over-the-counter glasses. Eco Glasses Lime 7329My concern? What are they made of exactly? BPA? Chemicals? Is there a green or eco-friendly choice when shopping for glasses these days that makes sense? In the current world of over exaggeration and greenwashing, I think it is more important than ever to try to find an option that fits your green needs.

Thankfully I found some wonderful glasses through ICU that are called ICU Eco Eyewear. All ICU Eco Eyewear is reasonably priced and super-sustainable. All parts of the glasses are recyclable, many frames are made from renewable or recycled content,Eco Glasses Blue 7330 global carbon offsets purchased by the ICU company have made the glasses carbon neutral. I chose style #7329 and #7330 and like them both and consider them wearable and comfortable. I keep one pair in the living room and one pair in the office so I’m never stuck without my reading glasses at home.


If you’d like to know how to make beaded eyeglass holders to go along with your cool new eco glasses, just watch the video below (if you are getting this post via email and can’t see the video, go to this link – Great ideas for crafting your own eyeglass holders!

Thinking green does not have to be complicated or expensive. With every thing you purchase try to ask the sustainable question, “Can I recycle this?” You might be surprised at the answer. Now that we have glasses that  are recyclable, let us hope that they’ll come out with recycleable everything-else-under-the-sun soon, right? Find green wherever you can. FTC Disclaimer

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