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Beets as Ornamental Edible Vegetables – A Video

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Love me some delicious beets as ornamental edible vegetables in the garden. For warm states, this is the perfect time to put the seeds in the ground for a fall harvest. Excellent sauteed, in salads, or even as a “cut flower“, try growing ornamental edible beet seeds this fall season, this particular variety is Beet ‘Bull’s Blood’. Planting beet seeds right now means you will have small beets and lots of greens through the fall garden season.

Below is a delicious Vegan Beet Green Salad Recipe to try – and watch the video at this LINK to see what they look like fresh out of the garden.


  1. In order to prevent beet juice from staining your hands wear surgical gloves or garden gloves to cut and process.
  2. Beets are a hard root vegetable and need an extra sharp knife in order to more easily cut the vegetable.
  3. Greens from the beet are THE BEST PART – use them in salads or smoothies for a sweeter vegetable flavor.Beet Green Salad Recipe

Ornamental Edible Vegetables Salad

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