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Avocado Salad Recipe and A Cool New Avocado Slicer

avocado salad recipes

Avocado salad recipes


Avocados. They are either the most delicious treat from heaven or the spawn from hell because I would eat an entire avocado every day of the year if I could. I love them, drool over them, and crave them. Yep. I have the avocado addiction BAD and there is no cure.

Each avocado provides 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. More importantly, an avocado also acts as a “nutrient booster” by enabling absorption of more fat-soluble nutrients such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein in foods that are eaten with the fruit. Here is the rub – one fifth of the avocado has 4.5 grams of fat and I eat a WHOLE avocado every time. I am so bad I need to be put in detention.

But how can I resist? I am in love. While I have prepared a lot of avocado recipes on the blog, one of my favorite sides is a little avocado salad which I find excellent on top of a chicken breast or as a taco topper. See how to make it below and be sure to share it with your family and friends instead of standing in the kitchen by yourself eating it all for yourself going to your happy place. I never do that. Really.


  • One avocado, sliced
  • Two tomatoes, sliced
  • A drizzle of olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper

Mix the tomatoes and avocado together, add a drizzle of olive oil, salt & pepper. Done.

Avocado Slicer

While I use many techniques to slice an avocado, my favorite is this cool tool I found at that slices the avocado in one fell swoop. I like the tool because it is easy to use and wastes very little avocado meat. My suggestion is to use a few slices on your sandwich at lunch, then place the pit of the avocado back in with the other slices and store it in the refrigerator. If you keep the pit with the flesh of the avocado it will brown much more slowly.

Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that the avocado slicing product in this blog post was given to me to try out and review at no cost. I have tested it, washed it, and even stomped on the slicer just to make sure it’s tough as nails. And guess what? It’s staying in my kitchen – all opinions are my very own. Ciao for now.

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One Comment

  1. You can get a 3-in-one avocado peeler, slicer and pit remover on Amazon for under $4. Works great!

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