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Womanswork Glove Review

Womenswork Gloves

Glove Review

Above you see several pair of Womanswork gloves that the lovely people at sent me to try out. Guess what? All my gardening help has taken them. No kidding. Why? Because they are the best-darned gloves EVER!

Comfortable. Easy to put on. Difficult to lose in the garden. Pretty much perfect!

Want proof? Look at how well-loved the below gloves are – they have seen a lot of soil in the garden and are ready for washing. You can see the gloves in action in this video we made of rotted compost distribution – loved them. Keep up the good work Womanswork – we women definitely like your gloves!

And friends – please stop stealing them from me! I encourage you to PURCHASE them at the Womenswork website –


*Special note – The Womenswork gloves were supplied at no cost in exchange for my reviewing the product.

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  1. Shawna, thank you for the ringing endorsement of our gloves. Please ask your readers to try our website again, because the URL you gave would take them to a different company altogether. Our URL is and our company is spelled with an 'a', Womanswork. 🙂

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