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12 Hugs For 121212 Day

12 Hugs

When people think of ways to make a difference, they tend to think too big. They want to cure cancer or save the world’s water supply or something huge all in a single afternoon, then get disheartened when they realize what a giant thing it is they are trying to fix. I think the best way to start making a difference is by one little step at a time. Today is 121212 day and at precisely 12:12 today I decided to see if I could give 12 hugs to the world.

Every person I approached and asked to hug said yes. They all hugged me with such passion and were so excited to be a part of it. Some shouted, some laughed, some waited in line to get their hug, some got a bit teary-eyed, some were tall, some were short, and all were receptive. One lady told me she needed a hug for months and this is the first time she has had one in that time. Today’s 12 hugs made me laugh and cry and be happy. This was so much fun I cannot wait until I have another hug day soon.

A hug is simple and nice and let’s the world know you care. For 12 short hugs I made a difference for the world today. To change the world and make a difference it takes baby steps, my friends, baby steps. Hugging your community is worth every effort you put forth.

What did you do to make a difference on 121212?


1. Cashier Hug

Cashier 121212
Seven Footer Hug

3. Gas Station Customer Hug

gas station customer 121212

4. Nice Lady Who Has Not Had A Hug In A Long Time Hug

Nice lady 121212

5. Pretty Lady Hug

Pretty lady 121212

6. Knock Me Off My Feet Gas Station Attendant Hug

Knock me off my feet hug

7. Lucky Number 7 Hug

lucky number 7 121212

8. Happy Wife Hug

Happy Wife 121212

9. Happy Husband Hug

Happy Husband Hug 121212

10. Fireman-Emergency Paramedic Hug

Emergency paramedic hug 121212

11. Produce Aisle Hug

Produce aisle hug 121212

12. Happy Grocer Hug

Happy grocer hug 121212

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  1. Simply the best.. Bah to the naysayers who say the world is going bad… never never happened…

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