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How To Grow Heart and Star Vegetables

Heart Shaped Tomatoes Veggie Mold
Heart Shaped Cucumber Molds

When I first saw star and heart shaped vegetable and fruit slices I thought they were fake, but I bit into one and whadyaknow IT WAS REAL! Amazing. I wanted to try out the molds that allowed the vegetables to grow into these unique shapes. Turns out that growing heart or star shaped vegetables or fruit is super-easy if you have a mold from According to, every mold is BPA Free, UV protected, food safe, and reusable. I used J.W. Jung Seed Co tomatoes for this fun growing project.


  • Heart Shaped Tomato Just Removed From Veggie MoldClose the one piece plastic mold so that it is in it’s heart or star shape.
  • The mold has a small hole at the end, place the twisty tie thru the hole. Choose a small growing fruit and slide the mold onto it, so that the fruit completely remains inside the mold, with the tie towards the plant. Fasten the tie onto the plant or cage making sure the fruit is inside the mold.
  • Grow the fruit.
  • When the fruit has taken the shape of the mold, you are ready to harvest. Untwist your tie and cut the stem of the fruit. Release the closure of the mold starting at one end. Slightly open the mold and the fruit will easily come out of the mold (see photo at right). Reuse the mold next season.
Heart Shaped Cucumbers Growing

This would be a great garden project to do with kids and I love the idea of using the Veggie Mold to help you create appetizers or cocktail additions with creative designs and shapes. Project goal for this year includes trying to grow star shaped cucumbers and zucchini so I can serve stars and stripes appetizers for the fourth of July. Happy Gardening!

Heart Shaped Tomato Growing In Veggie Mold
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