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How To Grow A Hen and Chick Plant = 3 Easy Steps

Hen and Chicks

Hen and Chicks are beautiful little drought tolerant surprises that live in the corners of my garden. Everyone points them out and tells a story of Hen and Chicks and their mother or grandmother or child. They add interest to my garden and I love to hear the stories of Hen and Chick love from my friends and visitors.

1. Purchase a Hen and Chick plant, if too crowded, pull the Hen and Chicks apart, dividing before you plant. Do not worry if you break stems off, if you put them in soil they will sprout roots.

2. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun. Sandy soil is good for the Hen and Chick, but it grows in all soils as long as it is allowed to dry out between waterings.

3. Enjoy.

Seriously, that is all there is to it. Hen and Chicks are the easiest plants ever and will multiply over the years so you can break off a stem and plant in a new spot at any time.

Happy Gardening!

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  1. Here is another story…. My sister-in-law stated she wanted me to go with her and dress all in black to go at night around the corner and dig up some hen's and chickens from her neighbors front yard. All the time I am feeling queasy about sneaking at night. I kept telling her we shouldn't do this but she was gung ho. When we got home she finally told me the neighbor told her to take all she wanted. She was just funning with me. sigh.

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