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Under $10 and 10 Minute Rotisserie Chicken Salad Recipe and LIVE Google+ Hangout

Garden fresh organic vegetable rotisserie chicken salad.
Google Hangout video production set up in Shawna Coronados front lawn vegetable garden

This week Google came to my front lawn vegetable garden to film my first Google+ Hangout culinary event. I was so excited to have the Google staff join me in promoting healthy garden-to-table organic food and $10 or less cooking. We will have a series of six Google+ Hangout events and videos in the upcoming weeks. Each experience will feature food harvested from my front lawn vegetable garden, will cost $10 or less, and will take under 10 minutes to prepare.

To the right you see my helpers and the Google staff admiring the garden and discussing production before the shoot. The first time out we had a few bumps in creating the hangout video – the sound was challenging, the timing was interesting, and participants were new to this experience. Because of the sound issue, I had to rerecord the beginning segment of the video. But the fan response was overwhelmingly positive that we should continue on and have more LIVE culinary experiences connected with the garden and sustainability in the future, so we are going to KEEP GOING!

RECIPE – Garden Fresh Organic Vegetable Rotisserie Chicken Salad

Ingredients –

  • One whole rotisserie chicken shredded ($4.99 )
  • One large cucumber, deseeded and chopped into bite sizes ($.13)
  • One head broccoli, chopped into bite sizes ($1.00)
  • Four tomatoes, chopped into bite sizes ($.32)
  • Four beet leaves, sliced thin ($.01)
  • Three basil sprigs, leaves removed and ripped ($.05)
  • Three thyme sprigs, leaves removed (Free)
  • A drizzle of olive oil ($.10)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste (Free)

Total cost – $6.60

Instructions – Combine all the ingredients. Toss. Savor and Enjoy.

This delicious recipe serves 4 to 6 people. All vegetables from my garden are grown organically and I am basing the price of each vegetable on how many veggies it typically yields per plant, divided by the plant cost at planting time. Most of the herbs in the garden are perennials and I have had them for years, I’m counting them as “free”. I also count salt and pepper as “free”.

Hangout Participants –

Special thanks to GOOGLE and the awesome group who participated in our culinary Google+ Hangout this week –

  • Robert Bornstein –
  • Mike Hale –
  • Robyn McIntire –
  • Gerrie Schmidt
  • and Rocky Falco as the taste tester. His famous quote in the video, “Don’t bother me!”
Shawna Coronado cooking on Google Hangouts LIVE in her front lawn vegetable garden.

Healthy Garden And Rotisserie Chicken Salad Recipe

Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that Jobes Organic FertilizerBonnie Plants, Organic Mechanics Soil, Midwest Trading, and Natural Industries supplied the plants, mulch, soil, and soil additives I used in this garden. I have used their products because I WOULD even if they had not given the products to me and they have produced great success. I donate a large portion of the vegetables I grow in my soil-improved garden to the local food pantry when harvested. All opinions are my own!

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  1. YOU are amazing Robert. Hopefully next time we’ll hear more from you. ::wink:: We gotta get that sound working!


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