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Hardy Ice Plant or Delosperma is a Perfect Rock Garden Plant

One of the new garden plants that are perfect for a rock garden is Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma Fire Spinner®). The new flower, Delospoma ‘Fire Spinner®’, is a flashy standout in the garden. Ice plants are named for the tiny transparent flakes often over the foliage. Each flake resembles a tiny piece of ice.

Why Hardy Ice Plant is the Best Rock Garden Plant

Hardy ice plant is remarkably heat and drought tolerant and a great choice for water-wise landscapes. Delosperma is truly one of the best rock garden plants. It does very well in containers, on hillsides, and in rock gardens.

I love love love the unusual flower color of the Fire Spinner Ice Plant. It is a bold orange with a ring of pink that blends out to magenta. The white-eye is small. With all that color in the blossom, you are immediately drawn down to look closely at the prolific blooms. Foliage is very succulent-like; swollen green leaves with ground cover spreading power.

Delosperma Fire Spinner Blossom

My Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma Fire Spinner®) bloomed the first year only one time. Future years had an initial bloom followed by sporadic reblooming throughout summer and early fall. Mat forming, this plant only grows a few inches tall and spreads up to 24-inches. Flowers are clearly prolific and quite bold. In northern garden zones, it can be used as an annual.

How to Grow Hardy Ice Plant in the Garden

Originally from South Africa, the plant is easy to grow in American garden zones 6 to 10. Hardy ice plant requires sharply drained average soil. Let dry out between waterings. Wet soil is this plant’s enemy as are heavy clay soils. The plant prefers sandy or gravelly soils. Tolerates heat and drought, ice plant thrives on neglect. Deer and rabbit tolerant.

Grow this succulent as a groundcover, in rock gardens, or on slopes. It makes a perfect edging plant, container garden feature, or xeric landscape addition. I placed mine as a ground cover in order to hold soil in place near my sidewalk.

Ice plants make an absolutely fabulous summer-blooming groundcover for your garden. Bring color and life to small spaces and large spaces alike with this plant.

Click this link to order
Delosperma Fire Spinner®

Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma Fire Spinner)

Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma Fire Spinner)

Special thanks to Walters Gardens for providing these delightful  Delosperma Fire Spinner® plants – they have been a great easy drought-tolerant addition to my garden. 

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