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Bounty From My Pumpkin Patch; Jarrahdale, Lumina, Cinderella and Musquee De Provence

Awesome pumpkin face for Halloween and Fall.

Pumpkins have always fascinated me. They are so colorful and pregnant with life with all those tasty seeds inside them. We remember these squash as a Halloween delight and often forget they are food. Above you see my pumpkin harvest this season. I love them!

This season I grew pumpkins at my extended farm acreage. In other words, I outgrew my own garden, so put the pumpkins up at my sister-in-laws house (a.k.a. my extended farm acreage). Here is how we planted the pumpkin seeds – PLANTING LINK.

Using Botanical Interests seeds, I grew several pumpkin varieties including Jarrahdale, an Australian heirloom that is a blue-ish gray color (and mine appears to have a smile in the photo above); Musquee de Provence, a terra cotta color flat cheese style pumpkin; Cinderella, a flat French heirloom pumpkin; Lumina, and amazingly cool white pumpkin; and Organic Sugar Pie, a delightful little pie pumpkin; and finally, the tiny Jack Be Little.

*Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am noting that Botanical Interests Seeds supplied seeds for this planting experience.

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  1. Just love, love, love pumpkins, for your reasons, and for their fabulous taste and food bounty, and I love squashes in general. So under-rated and maligned by so many as great bounteous food and wondrous eye-catching beauty.
    I think your great blue pumpkin looks self-satisfied and assured!
    So, you're 'outsourcing' your garden space needs…, hmmm
    Thanks for sharing your bounties and perhaps intriguing others to step into more possibilities…
    Singingly, VOICING YOU! Sheryl at RakVocal~~ 🙂

  2. So jealous! The vine borers got most of my heirlooms (including the Jarradales) but I did end up with a handful of small Japanese Futsu. Maybe next year?

  3. Shawna, my daughter Sarah and her friend Tracie have a new PUMPKIN cup-cake recipe using brandy on their Cupcake Friday blog I can't wait to try. (Posted a link on my FB page….) I've never had much luck growing pumpkins in my garden with our awful heat and humidity down here in Texas, but maybe I'll try again. Think any of these varieties could stand our summer? c:

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