Garden Clogs – A Review

I’m a huge fan of rain boots in the garden, but garden clogs have an advantage over the boots of being quicker and easier in my opinion. I like to slip on a pair and dash out into the garden to make a quick adjustment, change the hummingbird feeders, run to the mailbox, or dig up a quick weed. Clogs that are floppy and slippy make me fall and therefore hurt my osteoarthritis condition. I’ve fallen several times with slick or uncomfortable shoes and frankly, that has to go. What I need are sturdy and secure garden clogs that enable a gardener to put pressure on a shovel without injuring the bottom of your foot yet still allow you to walk comfortably. These clogs certainly fit the bill.
Below (and above) you see me testing and wearing the Waterproof Women’s Clog from They ARE waterproof, but for gardener translation, that means “MUD PROOF” and super-easy to clean. I’m always tramping through a ton of mud, muck, and wet – if I have a low rise clog on that’s floppy and flippy the wet seeps into my shoe and makes my foot miserable. These shoes are very strong and sturdy while still being high enough that I get no muck seepage. I like the molded cork interior but found it more comfortable if I wear a sock with the shoe rather than go barefoot. The clogs are listed at $49.95 and come in 8 different colors.

I love your garden clogs. I’ll definitely get one of that. Thanks for the website as well. Currently checking the website. Love the colors. Thanks again for the post.