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2010 Green Blogging In Ireland – Bloom 2010 – Irelands Spectacular Outdoor Garden Show

food and garden show

Bloom 2010, a food and garden show in Dublin, Ireland has been an amazing experience. Ireland is a beautiful country and seeing the love and passion of a people expressed in garden form has been completely inspirational. Truly the beauty seen here will encourage many to touch the rest of the world with a garden that provides fresh food, and mental/physical health benefits. It is held from June 3 through June 7 and is presented by Bord Bia. This astoundingly beautiful outdoor garden show hopes to encourage Ireland to the garden for health and community. ‘Sustainability’, ‘Local Food’ and ‘Grow Your Own has been central theme throughout the show.

food and garden show

Ireland’s top horticultural talent have built spectacular displays to inspire and excite. Pathways filled with sunshine and exploding with color predominate. This incredible display in Ireland is inspiring the everyday person to make a difference with a garden; building with creative sustainable ideas such as mixing vegetable gardening within traditional perennial beds.

food and garden show

Food and garden show

Locally grown fresh produce is strongly featured at Bloom 2010. Bord Bia’s “Best in Season” fresh produce marquee promotes the consumption of fruit and vegetables and highlights the nutritional benefits of eating the recommended daily amounts. Sustainability is also featured. For instance, Lorcan Bourke (seen below) has organized a special sustainbility garden for children designed to look like a flower, then guides children through the unique display, educating them as they go. Organic growers and organic food products such as Glenisk yogurt are enhancing the message of healthier living by having planting demonstrations and giving away seeds.


Being a part of this incredibly beautiful garden experience is an honor. As a speaker at the show, I can see that organizers seek to educate the world on living healthy, learning about sustainability, and building community with a garden. More importantly, the people I have met here at the show will be in my memories forever as amazing, warm, and inspired gardeners and friends.

To learn more details about how you might attend Bloom 2010, please go to

Thanks to my sponsor for this incredible speaking, blogging, and eco-green adventure to Ireland – Glenisk Organic Dairy. They have been wonderful to partner with and have some astoundingly healthy products, particularly for children and babies.

2010 Green Blogging in Ireland – Bloom 2010 – Beautiful Gardens

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  1. Just wanted to thank you for the tip on composting. I added the steer manure, and the piles are really heating up! My piles were pretty warm, but not they're so hot I can't even put my hand into the pile — it's that hot!!!

    I have another question for you. Do you know how to tell the difference between Garden Huckleberry and Deadly Nightshade. I've got one of the two sprouting up nearby, and I can't tell the difference. I'm not about to taste it to find out.

  2. very nice garden there! I love the outdoor lounge area there. I love it! Thanks for sharing this post. Next time I will definitely be in the garden show!

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