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Fish Sculpture Garden Décor Tips


Fish sculpture garden décor has been a great way to decorate my landscape. Many years ago I met my friend Tyson Weiss, the Maine based artist of my favorite Fish in the Garden sculptures (see photo right). Tyson immerses himself in nature and has a passion for all things fish. His sculpture designs include koi, trout, and salmon. I had a dream to build an Art Gallery Wellness Garden in my side yard here in Arizona. I envisioned whole schools of these fish swimming in my elevated garden beds. They have transformed my idea of garden décor and elevated the beds with a touch of creative class.

Good Products I Used for Building My Creative Art Gallery Side Yard Garden 

  • Birdies Raised Beds – Coated galvanized steel with a powder-coated food-safe, non-toxic paint for a beautiful, long-lasting result. Discount 5% off any garden bed product with the “SHAWNA5” Discount Code!
  • Garden Grid™Watering System – Easy pre-assembled system, just drop in and connect to irrigation lines. Get $10 off any Garden Grid™ Watering Systems order of $100+ with the “SHAWNA10” Code!
  • Gro-Well Raised Bed Soil and Nature’s Way Cactus & Patio Mix Soil – Ask for this soil at your local garden center.
  • Midtown Swilt Umbrellas – The Swilt 8 foot Terylast terracotta automatic tilt umbrellas with strong fiberglass ribs to resist wind.
  • Fish in the Garden Sculptures – Ceramic garden fish with special metal fish stands which help the fish float above your garden. An easy 5% off any garden bed product with the “SHAWNA5” Discount Code!

Fish Sculpture Garden Décor is Beautiful

Garden décor of all kinds can add a touch of personality and style to your outdoor space. Be careful. It can look cluttered and out of place. I am in danger of having TOO MUCH in this garden. Yet the beauty of the fish sculpture garden décor in my Art Gallery Wellness Garden is that there is an abundance of fish.

Place an item. If your design feels as if it is too much, it can easily be moved and placed somewhere else. Fish sculpture garden décor is super creative and appealing.

Tips for Placing Garden Décor in Your Garden Space

  1. Consider the size and scale of your fish sculpture garden décor. Some pieces of garden décor, like statues and birdbaths, can be quite large. There are several different sizes of fish sculptures. Make sure you have enough space to accommodate the fish. Plan well.
  2. Think about the flow of your garden. Think about how people will move through the garden space. It is important for garden décor. You don’t want anything to be in the way of walkways or pathways. I like the fish swimming in elevated beds and containers. They look good swimming among perennials as well.
  3. Group fish or similar items together. This will help to create visual interest and make your garden look more cohesive. Fish swim in schools. Odd numbers work best with the fish sculpture garden décor. Fish look better if there are several fish swimming together. Think of how you might place wall hangings; in odd numbers of 3, 5, or 7.
  4. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The best way to find the perfect placement for your fish sculpture garden décor is to experiment. Try different things and see what looks best. Be mindful of irrigation lines and where they might be under the soil. My Garden in Minutes Garden Grid™ Watering Systems lines are just below the surface. I am careful where the fish poles will be placed.

Additional Ideas for Placing All Types of Garden Décor

  • Create focal points in your garden. It could be a birdbath, a statue, a large tree, or the fish sculpture garden décor.
  • Add contrast to your yard. Use different colors, textures, or materials. I have used a LOT of color in my garden. There is even color in the umbrellas I have in the seating area at the end of the garden. The surprise about these umbrellas is that they are extra strong and survive heavy winds – ornamental décor and useful as well.
  • Build a sense of privacy. This could be done by planting hedges or using screens. As an enclosed side yard, I already have plenty of privacy in my garden.
  • Generate a touch of whimsy in your yard with garden décor. Fish are unique additions. You can use birdhouses, gnomes, or other fun items too. They truly capture visitor’s hearts and generate interest in the elevated beds.

With a little planning and effort, you can easily create a beautiful and inviting garden with fish sculpture garden décor.

Fish in the Garden SculpturesORDER NOW!
Ceramic garden fish with special metal fish stands which help the fish float above your garden. 
An easy 5% off any fish product with the
“SHAWNA5” Discount Code!

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