Design Container Gardens with Colocasia ‘Distant Memory’

Colocasia in container
Colocasia ‘Distant Memory’ is a beautiful tropical plant and works very well in container gardens. Leaves on the plant are a dark mahogany (almost black when exposed to stronger sun), the plant clumps which is particularly great in containers, and this tropical leafed plant truly adds an incredible boost to container gardens and garden beds alike.
This plant is more than beautiful, it’s very special to the people from Walters Gardens. Here is the story of Colocasia ‘Distant Memory’ from their website, “For many of the early years of Walters Gardens, Harriet Walters was the lifeblood of the family business. She’s remembered fondly for her incredible cheerfulness, kindness, and optimism, but especially for her infectious laugh and sense of humor. Even through all her years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Harriet still maintained her sunny personality and silliness, as well as a deep sense of care and concern for each member of her family, even as she lost her mental function and memories. Harriet passed away in 2008, and it is in her honor that we will donate $0.25 per [Colocasia ‘Distant Memory’] plant sold to Alzheimer’s research. The Elephant is a symbol for Alzheimer’s Disease (“an elephant never forgets”), which is why we selected an Elephant Ear to be our cause plant.”
Colocasia loves warm weather, sunshine, and water. Plant your Colocasia ‘Distant Memory’ in a moisture retentive soil combination. I like to mix up traditional potting soil with this formula – one part potting soil, one part rotted manure, and one part compost. Throw in some worm castings and organic fertilizer as well and you will have an amazing growing medium for this very special plant.

Special thanks to Walters Gardens and Proven Winners for providing many of the annual plants seen in this garden. Fish art was created by, the rain water cistern and fountain is from Aquascape Inc., and the bold blue chair cushions are from Target. Thanks to the Organic Mechanics Soil company for providing my organic worm-casting filled soil for my container gardens.