How To Plant a Butterfly Weed Video
Last season I wrote about the butterfly weed and how to plant it. Please go HERE FOR THE LINK and learn all kinds of 411 about this fantastic butterfly-attracting plant. We are once again coming into perennial planting season and I wanted to emphasize the benefits of planting native plants if you have conditions like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative osteoarthritis because native plants require less care in general. No fertilizer, no heavy watering once established, and no regular maintenance beyond clipping down in the spring — truly a benefit to a garden that requires less commitment and labor. Watch the video above on planting the butterfly weed and growing a low-maintenance native plant for your garden this season (if you can’t see it, please click on the title of the post and it will take you to my website).

Butterfly attracting plant
Special thanks to Jung Seed for sponsoring many of the videos and plants in this season’s test garden. If you would like to get your very own butterfly weed plants, Jung Seed has both yellow and orange butterfly weed varieties.