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Best Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe

Chocolate Avocado Swiss Chard Smoothie

Eating a lower sugar anti-inflammatory diet to help reduce chronic pain, arthritis, and asthma symptoms is easy when we add delicious chocolate smoothies to the kitchen arsenal. Super thick, rich, and perfect for breakfast or a snack; my recipe is simply the BEST Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe ever and you must whip out your cocoa and avocado and try it.

When I created this baby, it was SO THICK that I had to get a fatter straw in order to suck it up. It tastes like dark chocolate heaven! Below the recipe learn how to grow Swiss Chard – it’s easy to grow and a great plant to add to your garden design in containers or in ground this season.

Chocolate Avocado Swiss Chard Smoothie Ingredients

Making the Smoothie Recipe

Start by growing or finding some amazingly fresh Swiss chard and avocado for your Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe. I like to use frozen berries because it gives my smoothies a cool twist that tastes sweet even though the sugar content for this smoothie is extremely low. While you could use traditional dairy, my recommendation is to keep it anti-inflammatory and vegan with almond or coconut milk.

Low Sugar Vegan Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe

This is simply the BEST Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe ever – super thick, extremely rich, non-dairy, vegan, with a note of decadent chocolate love and ALL healthy. Try it today!
  • 1 cup frozen berries
  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 1 handful shredded Swiss chard (or spinach)
  • 2 T cocoa powder
  • 1 ½ cup almond or coconut milk
  • ½ t vanilla
  • 1 t raw honey (optional)
  1. Throw it all in a blender. Blend’er up. DONE!
  2. BEST Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe — super super thick and delicious!

Growing Swiss Chard

Tropical jungle garden with Swiss Chard

Want to know how to grow the marvelously ornamental Swiss Chard for your chocolate avocado smoothie? The crinkly leaves and colorful stems are a standout in the garden. Swiss chard can be planted in spring for summer interest or early fall for a fall display. Grow from seeds or transplants in well drained soil that is richly amended with rotted manure or compost for sturdy growth. Transplants can be planted 3-4 weeks before the last frost free date. Seeds are planted 1/4 to 3/4 inch deep and require 5-6 weeks to reach a good planting size.

Swiss Chard Growing Tips

Growing Swiss chard for your chocolate avocado smoothie or favorite salad is fairly easy in that it requires an organically rich, well-drained soil, part-shade to full-sun conditions, and consistent watering.  Freshen up your ground soil by adding several parts organic soil. Then mulch well after planting; mulching the area around Swiss chard enables better moisture retention and protects against weeds. If Swiss chard bolts, simply cut off the flowering stem at the base of the plant as the flower can get quite tall, but is not attractive. Cut stems off at the base of the plant in fall and you might be surprised by returning plants in the spring.

Kellogg Garden Organics All Natural Garden Soil for Flowers vegetables soil

Swiss Chard Advice and Care

Plants are typically problem free, but can be attacked by mites, aphids, and caterpillars. Treat the pests organically by spraying or picking them off. Spray with soapy water dependent upon the pest. Swiss chard can get cercospora leaf spot, a disease that disfigures the leaves with ash-gray spots that have purple edges or fungal issues.

Truly, chard is as ornamental as it is tasty in your chocolate avocado smoothie. Chard will wilt at a hard freeze below 30 degrees, so it is one of the cold season crops that will be the quickest to close up for the season. Planting from seed would require at least 6 weeks of growth before putting it in the ground, so starting seeds in the winter makes sense, or pick up a plant or two at the local garden center.

Balcony Wall Garden and Swiss Chard Container Garden © copyright Shawna Coronado

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