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2009 “Get It Garden” Challenge – Container Gardening Ideas – How To Plant a Water Conserving Flowerpot


Dear Casual Gardener,

I want to have a garden and only have a small balcony. How can I participate in your “Get It Garden” Challenge? Help!!


Perplexed in Pittsburgh

= = = = = = = =

Veggie Container Garden

Dear Perplexed,

There is an easy answer – build a container garden!

It is quite easy to grow veggies, herbs, and flowers on the balcony and it can be a wonderful and therapeutic experience to tend to these plants. To the right you see the newly planted veggie container garden of Susan Landau-Van Dyke. She’s planted peppers, basil, tomato, and strawberries.

Below you see a very creative solution for growing containers in difficult locations. I use “The Pothanger” from You will see more ideas utilizing the Pothanger in the future, but for now you can see how I easily hung a clay pot on a gate. You could do this on wood, masonry, wrought iron, lattice or the wall.Proven Winners flowers in

Also, I utilize drought tolerant and heat tolerant plants whenever possible. In this photo you see Proven Winners Supertunia ‘Cotton Candy’ and Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’ – two hardy and heat tolerant annuals which Proven Winners has won awards for. Both plants require less water and no dead-heading. What a great combination!

Remember to try my drought tolerant container planting technique. At the top is a video featuring the technique, and if you would like to see fully illustrated photos as well, please go over to my green blog and check it out here.

Container gardening is fantastic and getting outside to grow these makes you feel energized – get out there and give it a try!

Shawna Coronado says Get Healthy! Get Green! Get Community!

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