2010 Green Blogging in Ireland – Worm Bin Composting and John Hogan
One of the most amazing and inspirational people I met while in Ireland was John Hogan. A garden expert extraordinaire who helped build and develop the sustainable area of the Bloom 2010 event in Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland, I found John to be an amazing resource on all things garden.
Above you see him introducing me to a new variety of broccoli which is purple. He is picking broccoli for me to taste (it was sweeter than normal and delicious). His passion, however, was discussing soil and worms. In the photo to the right, you see a picture of him digging out worms from the worm composting bin he has built. He took great pride in showing me the wrigglers.
Vermiculture, or worm composting, allows you to compost your food waste quickly while producing a high-quality compost and fertilizing liquid. You can have a worm composting bin in your kitchen easily as it has no adverse smells.
Here is a link to instructions which show how to make a super cheap and easy worm bin if you would like to try vermiculture, or worm composting, yourself –http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/easywormbin.htm.
Worm compost is more concentrated than most other composts because worms are excellent at digesting food wastes and breaking them down into simple plant nutrients. Organic Mechanics Soil Company uses worm “castings” as a part of their soil product and it acts as both a fertilizer and a sponge that holds water better. Following John’s example, I am testing out the soil this season to see how my container gardens grow with this amazing amendment.
It was wonderful to see the Irish so passionate about gardening, but especially to see their interest in vermiculture and composting as well – doing good for the world and living green – priceless!