The Leftover Garden

Every year mid-June I am faced with a dilemma. I have a few leftover plants that were dug up in the planting process in early spring: a few perennials without a home, a few vegetables left in a 6 pack, a few flowers that did not work out where I expected. I have started putting all the leftovers together out by my Kick Ass Green park bench in a non-matching, totally wacky, completely undersigned area of the garden – wherever I happen to have some dirt and enough space to throw them all together. I call it “My Leftover Garden” and it is breaking all the rules.
Above you see last year’s leftover garden. There are a few marigolds, a few giant cabbage from Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program, cucumber vine, random Lysimachia nummularia, Echinacea, Milkweed, Plant Nouveau’s Canna ‘lemon punch’, and even a corn stalk.
It is at the end of the spring planting season, summer is getting hotter and time’s a wastin’. Get out there and plant all those leftovers from spring and build yourself your own “Leftover Garden” to prevent waste and enjoy some mixed up happiness. One man’s leftover garden is another man’s pleasure.
Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that a few of these plants were supplied by Plants Nouveau and Bonnie Plants. I donate a large portion of the vegetables I grow in my soil-improved garden to the local food pantry when harvested. All opinions are my own and yes, I ate the one corn I got from this totally weird and random corn upstart. It was delicious of course.
Love it. I end up planting all sort of interesting containers with my left overs until fall when I find some of them homes in the beds or meadow.
Leftovers rawk!! 🙂
What a fun idea! I’ll be sure to try a “leftover garden” of my own this year. Thanks for sharing!