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Plant a Vertical Wall Garden Vegetable Farm

vertical vegetable growing

Vertical vegetable growing

What if you could grow your own vegetable farm that produces massive food, yet locate it in a small space tucked away in an urban area? In my latest book, Grow a Living Wall; Create Vertical Gardens with Purpose, I give you some great ideas on just how to do this. Below is an excerpt from the book that gives you some great tips on planting a standalone, automated watering living wall garden for your balcony or patio.

Grow a Living Wall Book by Shawna Coronado

I first started thinking about vertical vegetable growing years ago, standing on a friend’s tiny balcony in an apartment building in downtown Chicago. We were up on the 18th floor leaning over the railing and conjecturing upon the age old-question “would a tomato drop faster than a watermelon to the ground” when my friend suddenly frowned and said, “I wish I had a garden. I miss green. I crave the smell of real amazing life. Like plants and food and flowers, but I don’t have the time or space.” We stood quietly for a moment and I laughed, “You have three perfectly good feet to grow a garden here!” We giggled, but it was true. There was three tiny feet of space; a meter of worthy gardening potential. Why not grow in every space you can? It’s possible to feed your family by growing an urban farm in less than two square feet and I soon discovered how. Although the structure is a unit that a manufacturer made and I purchased, the idea for this “Vertical Vegetable Farm” really began that night. … Enabling people to grow more food in smaller and smaller spaces means that they will be able to provide for their families health and welfare in a positive way.


Plant this garden with a moisture retentive soil. Simply assemble the Gronomics vertical garden according to directions, being sure to attach the watering system timer carefully, then plant each vegetable with a little fertilizer. Super easy and TONS of plants in a small square footage area. Edible herbs and plants used for this garden came from the wonderful J.W. Jung Seed Company and include beets, two types of kale, peppers, Swiss chard, and turnips.

vertical vegetable growing

• Arugula
• Basil
• Beets
• Celery
• Collard greens
• Kale
• Lettuces
• Mini peppers
• Mint
• Oregano
• Parsley
• Swiss chard
• Thyme
• Pot tomatoes
• Turnips

Want more living ideas for how you can grow all types of living wall gardens? Then rush out and get my book – Grow a Living Wall; Create Vertical Gardens with Purpose. Thanks – grow people grow!

Adding soil to living wall
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  1. Thank you for this idea! I just moved in a new place and was thinking about creating a small balcony garden. I was not sure if I can handle with planting vegetables, but the vertical wall gardens seems to work great for me. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Shawna,

    My name is Shawn Odneal. Owner of Root 66 Garden Shop outside Chicago, in Brookfield IL. I also specialize in Vertical Garden Systems done hydroponically. I would like to meet with you to discuss a mutual collaboration, and other business opportunities. Please contact me at [email protected]

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