Do Not Waste – Here’s a Tip for Basil Flowers – Make Basil Cubes!
Basil is thriving in my garden even now in late summer, in fact it’s flowering in abundance. Usually the flowers are trimmed off to keep basil from seeding and becoming leggy. However, by this time of year I have abandoned all pretentions of weeding, deadheading, and controlling the legginess of basil.
When the flower stems begin to extend high above the plant, I go out and chop them all off and either dry these interesting looking tips to use in the basil jar, or grind it up with olive oil and freeze it in the freezer as a great spice addition to my fall dishes.
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Recipe for Basil Cubes
One giant handful of basil flower tops
Olive Oil
Put the basil in a blender, add approximately an equal amount of olive oil. Blend thoroughly into mush. Freeze in ice cube trays.
Include in any recipe that calls for basil. Awesome in chili or tomato sauce as well.
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There you have it – a simple way to prevent garden waste utilizing a plant bi-product that is normally thrown in the composter.
Leave a comment and let me know a few tips from your garden to prevent waste.
Shawna Coronado says Get Healthy! Get Green! Get Community!
Great idea! Thanks for yet another “of course” moment!
Hi Linda! This is especially great when mixed with regular old canned tomato sauce. Yum!
I do this too! I love basil. I also throw garlic in the processer with olive oil and freeze it in ice trays. works great!
I like to leave the blooms for a while as the goldfinches enjoy the seeds.
Great use for basil flowers! I found you on Blotanical and will leave you a message there also. Fun blog and anxious to read more~
Thanks Shawna…
My big basil plant had so many flower buds that I picked them off YESTERDAY.
Next time into the freezer they go!
Eileen – we just missed each other. HA!
Healther – it's awesome meeting you – thanks for your follow.
Jenn – you are wonderful as always. Terrific idea!
I put the flowers inside of a bottle of Olive oil, and that gives basil flavor to the oil!!!