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Easy Spring Plant Display With Pansy Stripes In The Garden

Pansy Stripes in Garden Bed

Last year I spotted this great display of cool weather annual favorites and had to take a photo for you of the garden bed design. Stripes of Pansy flowers: simple, gorgeous, colorful, and show-stopping!

This photo was taken at Ball Horticultural Company’s corporate headquarters in West Chicago, Illinois in early May. Start planning now for a beautiful bed like this in your community or front yard. I do not know the precise variety of each of these flowers, however, I believe they come from the Pansy Panola line.

Pansy’s are easy to grow. They prefer good light and well-drained soil, but wilt and sometimes die in the hot summer heat. Some varieties survive cold weather and others do not. Be sure to look at the growing tag for guidance when you purchase them.

They are definitely a cool-season flower and for southern gardeners, pansies often grow all winter and through the spring if planted in early fall. Northern gardeners, however, will have better luck in having both a fall and spring display if they are planted in a protected area very early in the fall. Of course, you can purchase a pansy in the spring too. They make amazing container garden displays. Be sure to remove spent blooms to promote growth.

Pansy flowers are gorgeous and simple to grow. Try the stripe-filled garden bed design in the photo this season in your garden!

Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that Ball Horticultural supplies plants grown in my garden. I  write many instructional stories and videos with their flower products and donate a large portion of the vegetables I grow from them to the local food pantry when harvested.

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  1. Pansies are all about color. You have to be really close to appreciate their “faces”, which are pretty, but I don't think any plant delivers as much saturated color impact. What a great idea you've shared for showing it off.

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