Beet Greens in a Yummy Vegan Salad Recipe
Beet Greens. I know. It sounds so very weird and yet is one of the most delicious salads I have ever tried. Growing your own beets from seed is super easy – J.W. Jung Seed Co provided the seeds for these amazing red beets – and beyond providing beautiful color in the garden, they also provide lots of vitamins for your plate. If you are bored with the same old-same old garden salads, definitely experiment with a vegan salad made of beet greens – you will love it.
Here’s the secret to this recipe – use any quantity of ingredients you like. Want more tomatoes? Great. Put in more tomatoes. Want less walnuts. Great. Put in less walnuts. This is a do-as-you-please recipe.
Ingredients –
- Beet Greens, chopped into thin strips (Cut the tops off your beets in the garden after harvest, or cut just a few stems from each beet if you want to continue the plants growth)
Walnuts, shelled
- Tomatoes, cubed
- Jicama, cubed
- Onions, sliced thin
- Garlic
- Mustard Vinaigrette
- Garlic
- Salt & Pepper to taste
Directions –
Mix it all together. BOOM! Done. It’s that easy.
Special thanks* – I made this vegan salad recipe at my local nursery, The Planters Palette. Please shop and buy at your local independent nursery to support your local economy!
This beet green salad is yummy delicious and very easy to make. Grow some beets in your fall balcony garden and give this vegan salad recipe a try – your whole family will love it.