Beef Curry Stew – Small Thanksgiving or Christmas Main Course Recipe

Beef Curry Stew is an amazing tribute to my grandmother’s home comfort cooking that I have adapted with my own favorite seasonings and ingredients. While it might seem like a fairly non-traditional Thanksgiving or Christmas meal, it is easy to put together and your home will smell like cooking heaven on roast day. This yummy meal-in-a-pot is also paleo and keto compliant. Of course, beef sounds like an unlikely recipe for a healthy food plan as red meat can trigger chronic pain in some individuals. I am one of those individuals UNLESS I do something special to the meat first.

The Big Secret: Slow Cooking in a Crockpot Aides in Beginning the Digestion Process
My red meat secret? The crockpot! When you utilize the slow cooker to break down red meat, it aids in beginning the digestion process. Many people who can be sensitive to red meat, have better luck when utilizing a crockpot to prepare beef. Slow cooking utilizes lower temperatures to cook food for a longer period of time, breaking it down at the cellular level. This break down makes the meat very tender and easier to digest. My gut appreciates the breakdown – hopefully yours will too.

Paleo and Keto Diet Beef Curry Recipe
I come from a long line of Irish-German’s and my grandmother’s beef stew had flour and potatoes in it like any proper Irish stew should. In this recipe I pull those heavier carbs out and utilize turnips and chayote as my vegetables. Chayote tends to take on the flavor of what you cook it with and once cooked has a consistency similar to a potato. The sauce is thick on its own, so needs no additional thickener. Of course, this recipe is compliant with Keto or Paleo diets and is incredibly tender and flavorful.
Kevin’s Natural Foods announced a contest for using their flavor-filled sauces and as soon as I saw their Tikka Masala Sauce I knew I was going to adapt my favorite beef stew and seriously – I have a fantastic chance at winning – because this stew is TO DIE FOR! Absolutely flavorful and brilliantly delicious.

What is a Chayote vegetable?
Chayote, also known as Sechium edule, is a mild-flavored bright green vegetable native to Mexico and Central America which looks very much like a pear. If you eat it raw it is crispy like a pear or raw potato. Chayote can be eaten with skin on, but I prefer peeling them. You must wear gloves or hold the chayote under water while peeling as the creamy substance which is just under the skin can cause a skin irritation. Peel and slice, extracting the center seed and disposing. Then cube the dense flesh for the beef curry stew.

Feature Ingredient Used in This Tasty Beef Curry Stew Recipe
Special thanks to Kevin’s Natural Foods as the Tikka Masala Sauce is over the top and contributes a deeply rich flavor to the stew. I think this is the favorite stew I have prepared this season and I LOVE IT!
There are tons of links to delicious recipes out on Kevin’s Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest social sites, where you can find more information on how to utilize Kevin’s products to eat well and live well. Check it out here – Kevin’s Natural Foods.
One huge benefit of this particular beef curry recipe is that it is FANTASTIC for meal planning purposes. The stew is better as a leftover because the flavors have come together even more the second day. Refrigerate for several days; the stew freezes well also.

Get my book Stacked with Flavor as a Holiday Gift!

Want more recipes for anti-inflammatory dishes to help you find your anti-inflammatory health? You can get a copy of my latest diet guide and cookbook Stacked with Flavor; An Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook with Dairy-Free, Grain-Free & Low-Sugar Recipes .
Perfect for your holiday gift giving. This full-color photographed cookbook features all kinds of smart recipes that represent a clean diet; grain-free, dairy-free, low sugar. These smart anti-inflammatory foods can help you reduce chronic pain and feel better.
Using a crockpot or a slow cooker for cooking beef means that you will better break down the collagen and cellular structure of the meat, gaining tenderness and flavor and beginning the digestion process. Less expensive cuts of beef are surprisingly well suited for slow cooking such as chuck steak, skirt steak, the shin or shank cut, hindquarter or bottom round cut, and brisket. It is very important to sear the beef’s exterior first in a hot skillet before slow cooking as this step will cook down fat and increase flavor for the stewing process.
When cooking beef with a crockpot or slow cooker, it is important to keep the beef cut in the crockpot or stewing pot long enough to break down the collagen. This will create a tender roast which is fall-apart delicious. Typically, the time to cook a beef cut to tenderness should be between 5 to 9 hours on low.