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Astaxanthin Rich Baked Salmon Recipe

Astaxanthin Rich Baked Salmon Recipe

Enjoy a Dinner Rich with a Natural Antioxidant–Astaxanthin 

Break the junk food habit and try salmon tonight. Salmon has anti-inflammatory Omega fats and other nutrient-dense properties. Studies show that salmon is rich in a protective antioxidant, astaxanthin. Salmon is a source of high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals including potassium, selenium, and vitamin B12.

Give Your Body an Anti-Aging Lift!

Try the vitamin-packed baked salmon recipe shown below for anti-aging. I ate the salmon dish from the Cellar Cat restaurant in Albany, Oregon. Choose a great side-dish addition to the recipe below – Calendula-Orange biscuits. Like astaxanthin from salmon, calendula promotes healthy skin.

List of the Benefits of Natural Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin [pronounced “as-ta-ZAN-thin”] is an antioxidant. Medical professionals recommend using a natural version. It eliminates free radicals at twenty times higher potency. Synthetic versions are not as effective. Although not produced in the body, astaxanthin is found in foods such as shrimp and salmon.

The benefits of astaxanthin are:

  • Protection against inflammation
  • Delayed cognitive decline
  • Improved energy levels and mood
  • Reduction in eye fatigue
  • Lowered UV inflammation in skin
  • Wound healing
  • Body detoxification


Natural Astaxanthin Packed Baked Salmon Recipe


  • 6 – 6 oz Salmon filets
  • 4 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 Garlic cloves, crushed
  • 4 Tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 2 Tablespoons lime juice
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Prepare marinade by combining olive oil, garlic, basil, honey, lime juice, and salt and pepper.
  2. Put salmon fillets in a baking dish and pour the marinade over the yummy astaxanthin rich fish.
  3. Marinate for several hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  5. Drizzle olive oil over baking sheet, placing salmon on top of oil.
  6. Add a bit of the marinade.
  7. Cover baking sheet with foil.
  8. Place in oven.
  9. Immediately reduce heat to 325 degrees F.
  10. Bake until the middle part is done to a temperature of approximately 110 to 145 degrees when tested with a meat thermometer. Check at 15 minutes, then every 5 minutes thereafter until done.
  11. Pull salmon out of oven and let rest for 10 minutes before serving.

This Salmon Nutritional Chart shows more nutritional benefits on top of astaxanthin from Dr. Josh Axe.

Baked Salmon stuffed with astaxanthin antioxidants

Frequently Asked Questions below –

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin [pronounced “as-ta-ZAN-thin”] is one of many nutrients in the carotenoid family. Known as a potent anti-aging anti-oxidant.

Can Astaxanthin reduce chronic pain?

Studies show that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers reduced pain levels by up to 35 percent after consistent astaxanthin supplementation.

Is beta carotene or astaxanthin an antioxidant?

Both are antioxidants. Like beta carotene, astaxanthin is an antioxidant that can destroy harmful free radicals. Unlike beta carotene, this compound is 53.7 times stronger in its antioxidant abilities. Consuming natural foods rich in astaxanthin is helpful.

What foods have the most astaxanthin?

Natural food sources are best for getting a regular dose of astaxanthin such as salmon, shrimp, lobster, crab, and red sea bream. Synthetic supplements are often derived from petroleum products. Natural supplements are typically derived from algae.

Traveling to Albany, Oregon? Be sure to check out Cellar Cat, which is a delightful little cat-themed restaurant based on a vineyard’s very important security guard – the cat (below).

The Cellar Cat is known for fanciful cocktails, tasty wine, and healthy baked salmon.
Cellar Cat Bar where they serve the Astaxanthin Rich Baked Salmon Recipe
Cellar Cat Restaurant where I discovered an Astaxanthin Rich Baked Salmon Recipe
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  1. Wow! This baked salmon recipe really looks delicious and healthy. It’s good to have something different for Thanksgiving, so you have something to look forward to the next year.

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