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Good Cabbage and Ham Fall Soup Recipe

Fresh From the garden Cabbage with Ham Soup

Amazing soups

Shawna Coronado

When I was a little girl my father used to make the most amazing soups that seemed to warm me from the inside out. This was his only culinary specialty and I grew up loving soup cooked in the fall when the weather became crisp. He added lots of pepper to his soups and I recommend it with this Cabbage and Ham Soup as well – it kicks it into gear and brings the memory of my father to the front of my mind. He passed away when I was 13, but his soup-love will always be a special memory. Granted, I’m sure this soup is not as quite as good as my dream of Alton Brown’s thong cabbage soup, but still – soup love IS soup love.

Google has visited my front lawn vegetable garden to kick off this series of Google+ Hangout culinary videos and this Cabbage and Ham Soup culinary treat ends the video and recipe series for this summer’s season. However, there will be more soon – maybe I should start thinking about the cold days of winter and how hungry I get when the freezing temps hit and our gardens are covered in layers of snow!

My garden has been closed down for the fall and the cabbage and kale are about all that’s left. Trees are losing their leaves and the squirrels are frantically gathering and storing food. Winter will be here soon.

Happy Fall my friends – I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!

RECIPE –  Cabbage and Ham Soup

Ingredients –

  • 2 boxes chicken broth 32 oz each OR make your own from the rotisserie chicken carcass from last night’s dinner. $3.66 (::smile:: Homemade is FREE!)
  • 6 carrots, chopped ($.30)Shawna Coronado serving up delicious Cabbage and Ham Soup
  • 1 onion, chopped ($.25)
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed ($.10)
  • 1 medium head cabbage, shredded ($1.40)
  • 3 cups diced ham $3.69
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley ($.10)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste (FREE)

Total cost – $9.50

Instructions – 

  • Put all ingredients except parsley in a large pot.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
  • Add water if needed.
  • Serve in a soup bowl with a bit of parsley as topping.
hopping Cabbage and Ham

Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that Jobes Organic Fertilizer,  Bonnie Plants, Organic Mechanics Soil, Midwest Trading, and Natural Industries supplied the plants, mulch, soil, and soil additives I used in this garden. I have used their products because I WOULD even if they had not given the products to me and they have produced great success. I donate a large portion of the vegetables I grow in my soil-improved garden to the local food pantry when harvested. All opinions are my own!

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