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How To Do Zombie Garden Wall Art

zombie killing tools

Zombie killing tools

zombie killing tools

Zombies. Always a concern for we Americans because we all know an apocalypse is imminent, right? And how do you kill a zombie? Shovel or other sharp garden implement through the head or chest, of course. I’ve got your zombie killing tools right here with instructions to guide you along the way. You might want to garden with the tools if you have no other choice. How you can put your own unique messages out in the garden is by placing the messages in an outdoor all weather picture frame. We chose to paint the back garage door with bold paint and hang a tool hook to make it all look perfect.

I found these cool weatherproof outdoor snap frames that can be ordered online. You can get them either at standard sizes or custom sizes from Some moisture and humidity may still slightly affect the inside of the frame, so I have had my zombie warning laminated before I placed it on the door. If you are interested in the kick ass zombie weapons, they are made by DeWit Tools (maker of the Shawna Trowel) and you can find them here – LINK.

My faithful carpenter assistant and Rock-N-Roll hero, Ricky Rolon, is back by popular demand to help do the installation. Here he is helping demonstrate installation. Thanks Ricky! We be killing some zombies together soon.

How To Install Zombie Garden Wall Art

  1. Measure the area you want to install so you know where the frame should be placed.
  2. Center and measure twice – you want to get this right the first time.
  3. Open up frame and mark holes to drill.
  4. Drill holes and insert screws in respective holes.
  5. Repeat the entire process for the tool hook.
  6. Hang tools. Insert message.
  7. Wait for zombies. Or gardening. Or Rockin’ Ricky Rolon. Whichever appears first and celebrate your completed project with a garden cocktail and rejoice.
Zombie Apocalypse Outdoor Picture Frame Drill
Zombie Apocalypse Outdoor Tool Hook
Zombie Apocalypse Sign
Zombie Apocalypse Door

Because the FTC requires it, I’m letting my readers know that the products in this post have been given to me at no cost to test. I liked them. I tested them. Life is good.

And if you want to see what the amazing Ricky Rolon does when he’s not a lean mean carpenter machine, you can see in the photo below. Rock on. Ricky. Rock on.

Ricky Rolon of Broken Vegas Band on Stage
FTC Disclaimer

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  1. Oh, I love this so much! I have some old hand tools that I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with as garden decor. This fits the bill perfectly!

  2. Thanks Alison. I was worried that suggesting the killing of the undead might be offensive – glad you got a kick out of it. 🙂

  3. This is hilarious, we have a country home to prepare for when the big zombie event happens. This sign will be perfect for all of the folks that hide out with us 😉

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