Grilled Romaine Lettuce Salad with Fennel

Healthy Romaine Lettuce Salad with Fennel
- Romaine lettuce heads washed and sliced in half lenthwise or left whole if small (it is important to keep the head connected at the base so it does not fall apart on the grill)
- Salt and Pepper
- Fennel, sliced thin
- Micro-greens or sprouts
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Lemon juice
- Cayenne pepper
- Brush all sides of the romaine lettuce with olive oil, salt and pepper
- Grill until lightly roasted on each side
- Place on plate with portions of fennel and microgreens
- Drizzle with olive oil
- Drizzle with lemon juice
- Sprinkle with cayenne pepper
- Serve
When I went to the Biltmore Estate last summer I was bowled over by a seasonal anti-inflammatory salad I had at Cedric’s Tavern off the Gluten-Free menu – Grilled Romaine Lettuce Salad (above). What? You can grill lettuce you say? Oh yeah. And it is still crisp and absolutely tasty with just a hint of that grilled edge – perfect for a spring or summer lunch.
This deliciousness was served to me as I sat people watching and munching away while overlooking a beautiful little container-garden-filled patio on the estate (see below). Cedric’s Tavern chef added estate micro-greens and fennel for some extra flavor which I love. Dependent upon the dressing, this recipe is perfectly healthy and fantastic if you are looking for an addition to your anti-inflammatory diet. Below is my own interpretation of the Grilled Romaine Lettuce Salad they prepared me.