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Get Your Children Out In Nature – Study Bugs In The Garden

Cabbage Caterpillar Photo

We discovered cabbage worms in our broccoli earlier this year. Ick. Gross. Blech. Nasty. Then my eight year old and I discovered that the Cabbage Worm Butterfly (known as the “Cabbage White”) is what the Cabbage Worm Caterpillar develops into.

What a fantastic way to get your children out in the garden to learn about nature! You can see our discovery in the video above. In hopes of seeing the butterflies in our own front yard, we are now rescuing wayward cabbage worms and placing them on all our broccoli. The idea is to save the cabbage, kale, cauliflower, but to use the Bonnie Plants broccoli as a breeding ground for the little green caterpillars.

We  found chrysalis’s all around the garden filled with the sleeping babies and now every time we walk in the garden we see the little butterflies. It’s been a fantastic.

Get your children out in nature – it is a very green and healthy thing to do and they will love the time you spend together learning. Happily, the front yard veggie garden has turned into a wonderful experiment for our family.

Child investigating a Cabbage Caterpillar

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One Comment

  1. What a great idea! I had loads of those, and I do mean loads, on my broccoli last year, but I didn't notice any of the butterflies. I just didn't grow broccoli this year, but I'm sure my three year old would enjoy will enjoy playing with the caterpillars next year. Everything is her friend. She helped pick out a blueberry bush at the nursery and plant it. Then she went out everyday to talk to “her” and ask if she was happy in her new home. Kids are such fun to garden with.

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